Ouvrages dirigés (n=5)1. Biography And Society. The Life-History Approach In The Social Sciences, D. Bertaux (Ed), London and Beverly Hills: SAGE Publications, l98l, 309 p. Contient: D Bx, " Introduction " (pp. 1-15); " From the Life-History Approach to the Transformation of Sociological Practice " (pp. 29-45) ; " Life Stories in the Baker's Trade " (avec I. Bertaux-Wiame), pp. 169-189
2. Sociétés paysannes et dépaysannisation (sous la direction de D. Bertaux et F. Elegoët) , coédition Tud Ha Bro/Univ. de Haute Bretagne, Rennes, l98l, 233 p.. Contient: " Jeunes villageois(es) dans le Paris de l'Entre-Deux-Guerres. Une enquête exploratoire " (en collab. avec I. Bertaux-Wiame), pp. 87-ll6
3. The First Worldwide Competition For Young Sociologists: The Forty-Two Best Papers, edited by Daniel Bertaux and Martin Heidenreich; International Association of Sociology and Gesellschaft für Internationale Soziologie, Bielefeld, mars l99l, 3 volumes, l070 p. Contient: " Introduction: How the ISA created the Worldwide Competition for Young Sociologists "
4. Between Generations. Family Models, Myths And Memories. Edited by Daniel Bertaux and Paul Thompson. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993; 210 p. Egalement publié comme le volume 2 de International Yearbook of Oral History and Life Stories . Contient: " Introduction " by Daniel Bertaux and Paul Thompson, pp. 1-13.
5. On Living In Soviet Russia. Edited by Daniel Bertaux, Paul Thompson and Anna Rotkirch; Londres, Routledge, 2004. 277 p. Contient: " Introduction ", pp.1-22 (D. Bertaux, P. Thompson, A. Rotkirch); D. Bertaux (with M. Malysheva), " The Cultural Model of the Russian Popular Classes and the Transition to Market Economy ", pp. 25-53; Epilogue (The Editors), pp. 252-257
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